Become an Oxygen Artist

clean air innovation

Created with Sketch.

Unleash the Power of art by turning
your paintings into AIR PURIFIERS with us

Are you an artist seeking to infuse your artwork with a new dimension of meaning and purpose? At Creative Oxygen Labs, we invite you to embark on an extraordinary artistic journey that combines creativity and science in a groundbreaking way. Imagine adding a value layer to your art that goes beyond aesthetics—a layer that directly impacts the well-being of those who admire your masterpieces.

At Oxygen we are looking to work with a selected group of artists who are ready to transform art into functional air purifiers by incorporating our groundbreaking innovation. The process is very simple, you send us a high resolution image, we will take care of the rest.

Here’s how it works

Our team of experts, consisting of chemists, microbiologists, virologists, and environmental scientists, have developed a smart coating that instantly turns your artwork into an air purification system.

By embracing this fusion of art and science, you can take your creative expression to unprecedented heights. Your paintings not only captivate viewers visually but also actively contribute to their well-being. Imagine the conversations sparked by your artwork at gatherings and events – it’s a celebration of the intersection between artistry and scientific innovation.

But the benefits don’t stop there. As an artist using our Oxygen coating, you also gain a distinct competitive edge in the art world. You become a pioneer, a visionary artist who pushes the boundaries of traditional artistic practices. Your artwork becomes a powerful statement, reflecting your dedication to both artistic excellence, the environment and health consciousness.

Join our community of forward-thinking artists who are revolutionizing the art world. Embrace the opportunity to create a profound impact through art, to inspire change, and to leave a lasting legacy by adding the Oxygen SEAL to your work. Together, let’s make the world a healthier and more beautiful place, one masterpiece at a time.

Contract of Cooperation with Artists, worldwide

Effective Date: November 1st 2023

Creative Oxygen Labs Terms and Conditions


Welcome to Creative Oxygen Labs, a platform dedicated to the promotion of art and clean air innovation. We are excited to collaborate with talented artists to showcase their artworks on our Oxygen Online Gallery. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions for artists who wish to work with Creative Oxygen Labs.

1. Submission of Artworks

1.1. All artists shall provide a selection of their top 4 artworks to Creative Oxygen Labs. These artworks should be submitted to in full HD quality suitable for large size prints over 60 x 100 inches. By submitting artworks to this email, you signify your consent to the terms of this agreement.

2. Selection Process

2.1. To be considered for collaboration, artists must provide a biography and portfolio that includes a sample of their artwork. This can be done by sending a website URL or a PDF to

2.2. Artists must have had a solo or group exhibition and possess a minimum of 5 years of experience in the field of art, which includes drawing and painting, digital art, photography, and graphic design.

2.3. Artworks should encompass various styles and techniques, such as abstract, modern, mixed media, collage, realistic, pop art, spin and splash art, cubism, and more.

2.4. Our topic focus includes but is not limited to portraits, figures, nature, landscapes, iconic figures, celebrities, animals, organic forms, still life, environments, people, inspirational quotes, cars, movies, cartoons, Marvel and superheroes, etc.

2.5. Creative Oxygen Labs reserves the right to select and accept artists through its judging committee.

3. Artwork Selection

3.1. Creative Oxygen Labs shall have the right to choose preferred artworks from the submissions to be sold on the Oxygen Online Gallery at its discretion.

3.2. Creative Oxygen Labs shall also have the rights to use the artworks in any form that is complementary to the Oxygen air purification purpose.

3.3. All artists agree to give Creative Oxygen Labs the rights to promote the artist and sell the artwork on the Oxygen Online Gallery.

4. No Onboarding Fees to Artists

4.1. Creative Oxygen Labs is committed to supporting artists and does not charge any fees for participation in the Oxygen Online Gallery.

5. Artist’s Remuneration Fee

5.1. All artworks sold on the Oxygen Online Gallery shall provide a 10% artist’s fee to the artists. This fee will be paid to the artist for each artwork sold through the platform and paid out on the 25th day of each month.

6. Termination of Agreement

6.1. Either party may terminate this agreement within 60 days with written notice.

7. Miscellaneous

7.1. This agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the artist and Creative Oxygen Labs and supersedes all prior agreements or understandings.

7.2. Any amendments or modifications to this agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties.

7.3. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Canada, province of Ontario.

By submitting your artworks to Creative Oxygen Labs, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.

If you have any questions or concerns about this agreement, please contact us at

Thank you for considering collaboration with Creative Oxygen Labs. We look forward to showcasing your artwork on our Oxygen Online Gallery.

By filling out the form below you indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions.